Now you can protect your life & home against the next Carrington event

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Useful and essential features that will save your life

With the help and information provided by this application, you will have the following advantages:

Alert your family in time

You will be able to take necessary precautions to reduce risks associated with defects in the functioning of telecommunications.

Secure your air travel

You will be able to avoid air travel because there is a high risk of general failure in aerial control systems and propulsion of aircraft in flight in case of an extreme solar event.

Protect your electrical appliances

You will be able to disconnect and electromagnetically isolate your appliances in time to protect them from devastating power surges.

Prevent fires in your home

Because your safety and the safety of your family is most important, now you can have the best early warning system designed to protect you and your family before the arrival of the extreme solar storm, to avoid the fires that will occur because of the intense electrical overloads produced by the solar event.

Secure your terrestrial travels

You will be able to reschedule your car trips, since, on the day of the arrival of a solar storm, transportation systems may be severely affected, which may cause accidents.

Don't be blocked

You will be able to avoid severe obstacles posed by the failure of electromechanical systems such as trains and elevators in buildings when assistance with freeing you can take days to arrive.

Prepare for possible earthquakes

You will be able to be alert and prepared for possible earthquakes caused by intense solar activity since there is a statistically demonstrated relationship between the two phenomena.

Move away in time from the most vulnerable areas

You will be able to move away from nuclear installations in time because the safety of nuclear reactors can be severely compromised, which can cause very severe health risks for the population living within a radius of 200 kilometers around the nuclear power stations concerned..

The Safeguard of Your Home

Solar Alert is the complete safety system that will protect your life against the dangerous effects of the expected big solar storms. This important event will cause disasters such as accidents on all types of transportation, massive lack of food and water, for months or even years, and overloads in electrical networks that will render useless the appliances of millions of homes, causing massive fires in homes and buildings, where the lives of thousands of people will be at risk if they are not alerted in time.


"In a brief, simple and clear fashion, but also with plenty of technical data if required, Solar Alert warns you of possible obstacles presented that you and your whole family may have when dangerous solar storms occur; events that NASA scientists have already warned will undoubtedly occur in the coming years."

Main features of Solar Alert

With the help and information provided by this application, you will have the following advantages:

  • Algorithm that analyzes the data supplied by the agencies NOAA and NASA, calculates the alerts with accurate time, and displays the recommendations in summary and in a language that is easy to understand for all users, allowing you to act with an advance of up to 3 days to be able to protect your life and your entire family.
  • Automatic early warning system that works in the background with remote monitoring and also provides precautions and actions to be performed depending on the alert level indicated.
  • A visual timer that provides a countdown of time remaining until the arrival of the solar storm.
  • Easy and comfortable access to graphics and images of the Sun, supplied by the observatories of the space agencies NASA and ESA, as well as NOAA, all updated every few minutes.
  • Menu with the list of preparations and precautions to take before the arrival of a severe solar storm. Information based on the recommendations of the agencies FEMA, ICDO, and NASA.
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Discover The Solar Threat

Why Choose Solar Alert?

Top reasons to have Solar Alert on your Apple iOS device:

Early warning that can save your life

Solar Alert has the best early warning system on Apple iOS devices so you can prepare properly and get to safety even before official mechanisms evaluate what to do in the face of the big solar event. Your home will be the first to be prepared.

Accurate information about emergency measures and preparedness

Thanks to Solar Alert, you will have useful recommendations and advice so that you can prepare yourself conveniently days in advance and ensure the well-being of your entire family, as well as that of all your household goods.

High-quality information and multimedia resources

For those interested in the most technical details and also in observing the solar activity in detail, Solar Alert has the most beautiful images of solar activity and auroras recently obtained from all over the world.

Free & Qualified Support

Because we take care that your user experience will be the best and that your satisfaction will be complete, you can count on our expert support to resolve all your doubts in the fastest and most efficient way.

Whats We Are lifetime Offering

In the pleasant long-term relationship with you with full satisfaction in our services, we ensure that you will have:

Free Updates

We upgrade Solar Alert free of charge to work with the latest versions of Apple's iOS to meet precise safety and reliability requirements.

Certified Sources

All forecasts and alerts produced by Solar Alert and its associated services are supported by information obtained from certified data sources such as NASA and NOAA.


We assure all of our subscribers that they will be able to save their entire family from the upcoming Carrington event or extreme solar event.

App Screenshots

These are just a few of the visual features available at Solar Alert.

Our Subscription Plans

From only 9.99 per year you can enjoy the best and most complete early warning system for the next extreme solar event, the Carrington event that can reach us at any time.

Basic Protection

$9.99 /year

  • Real-time interactive Solar Plasma Monitor for the next three days of CMEs or coronal mass ejections heading towards Earth.
  • Detection and graphic identification of different types of solar plasma ejections, intelligently grouping waves of solar plasma.
  • Monitoring the location of solar plasma in space and the interaction between different CMEs with Earth.
  • Tracking the interaction between different CMEs on a collision course with Earth.
  • Calculation of the remaining time and expected arrival time of the CME collision with Earth.
  • Intelligent scientific panels that monitor solar activity in real time and provide a precise synthesis of key variables in space weather.
  • Intelligent scientific panels that monitor solar activity and provide a precise synthesis of upcoming solar events for the next three days.
  • Intelligent Scientific Panels with advanced information on space weather.
  • Advanced solar alerts for solar events occurring on the Sun that potentially can reach Earth.
  • Advanced solar alerts for solar events that eventually reach Earth and have effects on our society.
  • Map showing geo-electric activity on Earth caused by the Sun, which can cause electrical overloads and, at times, fires and earthquakes.
  • Menu with the list of preparations and precautions to take before the arrival of a severe solar storm. Information based on the recommendations of the agencies FEMA, ICDO, and NASA.
  • Certified scientific documentation about the importance of the impact of a Carrington event on our society.
  • Audiovisual informative resource about the effects of solar activity on our planet.
  • Personalized tactile test so that you can know how the next extreme solar storm will affect you.
  • Algorithm that calculates the alerts and displays the recommendations in summary allowing you to act with an advance of up to 3 days to be able to protect your life and your entire family.
  • Automatic early warning system that works in the background with remote monitoring and also provides precautions and actions to be performed depending on the alert level indicated.
  • Visual timer that provides a countdown of time remaining until the arrival of the solar storm.
  • Easy and comfortable access to graphics and images of the Sun, supplied by the observatories of the space agencies NASA and ESA, as well as NOAA, all updated every few minutes.
  • Easy and comfortable access to thousands of beautiful aurora images recently produced worldwide.
  • Easy and convenient access to the most important technical data related to solar activity.
  • Easy and comfortable access in real time to images taken from the International Space Station from where you can observe solar activity as plasma reaching Earth.
  • Geolocalized forecast with time accuracy for the next three days so that you can know how solar activity affects you.

Premium Protection

$19.99 /year

  • Real-time interactive Solar Plasma Monitor for the next three days of CMEs or coronal mass ejections heading towards Earth.
  • Detection and graphic identification of different types of solar plasma ejections, intelligently grouping waves of solar plasma.
  • Monitoring the location of solar plasma in space and the interaction between different CMEs with Earth.
  • Tracking the interaction between different CMEs on a collision course with Earth.
  • Calculation of the remaining time and expected arrival time of the CME collision with Earth.
  • Intelligent scientific panels that monitor solar activity in real time and provide a precise synthesis of key variables in space weather.
  • Intelligent scientific panels that monitor solar activity and provide a precise synthesis of upcoming solar events for the next three days.
  • Intelligent Scientific Panels with advanced information on space weather.
  • Advanced solar alerts for solar events occurring on the Sun that potentially can reach Earth.
  • Advanced solar alerts for solar events that eventually reach Earth and have effects on our society.
  • Map showing geo-electric activity on Earth caused by the Sun, which can cause electrical overloads and, at times, fires and earthquakes.
  • Menu with the list of preparations and precautions to take before the arrival of a severe solar storm. Information based on the recommendations of the agencies FEMA, ICDO, and NASA.
  • Certified scientific documentation about the importance of the impact of a Carrington event on our society.
  • Audiovisual informative resource about the effects of solar activity on our planet.
  • Personalized tactile test so that you can know how the next extreme solar storm will affect you.
  • Algorithm that calculates the alerts and displays the recommendations in summary allowing you to act with an advance of up to 3 days to be able to protect your life and your entire family.
  • Automatic early warning system that works in the background with remote monitoring and also provides precautions and actions to be performed depending on the alert level indicated.
  • Visual timer that provides a countdown of time remaining until the arrival of the solar storm.
  • Easy and comfortable access to graphics and images of the Sun, supplied by the observatories of the space agencies NASA and ESA, as well as NOAA, all updated every few minutes.
  • Easy and comfortable access to thousands of beautiful aurora images recently produced worldwide.
  • Easy and convenient access to the most important technical data related to solar activity.
  • Easy and comfortable access in real time to images taken from the International Space Station from where you can observe solar activity as plasma reaching Earth.
  • Geolocalized forecast with time accuracy for the next three days so that you can know how solar activity affects you.

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